
Preserve. Protect. Recover.

Email Archiving helps keep your email securely archived and easily accessible. Its preservation, protection and restoration features help you safeguard intellectual property, facilitate compliance, and speed eDiscovery.

Works with virtually any email system

Intermedia’s Email Archiving isn’t just for Intermedia Hosted Exchange customers. It’s available both as a standalone service and as an integrated part of our Office in the Cloud suite.

Features of Email Archiving

Email Archiving’s features include, quick searching, 100% capture, powerful administrator control and much more. Explore the full feature set.

Will phishing bring down your company?

95% of all attacks on the enterprise network are the result of successful spear phishing, according to a recent Verizon report. Is your data protected? Read our eBook, “Harpooning Executives: How phishing evolved into the C-suite” to learn how Email Archiving can thwart the effects of a phishing attack.

A Worry-Free Experience™

Email Archiving offers an easy-to-use experience for both users and administrators. With 24/7 phone support and the highest levels of security and reliability, it helps ensure a Worry-Free cloud experience that keeps you focused on business.